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The C.T.R.H. (territorial disability resources centre) is a centre including several services for disabled students which involves the schools of every order and degree, local authorities and family associations in the healthcare district of the town, CARINI, and its surroundings. Its aim is to support the integration of these students in the educational system collecting and reorganizing the different experiences of the institutions involved.

It acts in order to :

  • support the processes of integration
  • promote the cooperation among the schools, and among institutions and no-profit associations or volunteers' organization
  • take care of the learning processes
  • be a reference point for the families and all the operators involved,
  • promote the updating of the educational staff
  • collect and edit materials and experiences as a centre of Pedagogic-didactic Documentation.

The C TRH is ruled by a coordinating committee chaired by the head teacher of our school, which every year plans different activities for each kind of educational intervention.Its reference teacher, Professor Stefania Mannino, is in charge of the organization and of the interaction with the other schools involved in the centre.

Schools involved are:

  • D.D. “De Gasperi” - Capaci
  • S.M.S. “Siciliano” - Capaci
  • D.D. “ Falcone” - Carini
  • I.C. “Laura Lanza - Baronessa di Carini” - Carini
  • S.M.S. “Calderone” - Carini
  • I.S. “Mursia” - Carini
  • I.C. “Guttuso” - Villagrazia di Carini
  • I.C. “Cinisi” - Cinisi
  • I.C. “Riso” - Isola delle Femmine
  • D.D. “Don Milani” - Terrasini
  • I.C. “Giovanni XXIII” - Terrasini
  • I.C. “Papa Giovanni Paolo I” - Torretta

(Translation edited by Professor Chiara Billa)

Latest updates: 16/02/2012

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