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This page is under construction and contains a summary of the Italian website contents. Many links refer to the Italian site pages.

Our school is inserted, already from a.s. 2007/2008 in the Seick network, whose seat is in the "Guttuso" comprehensive school of Villagrazia Carini.

The purpose of the network is to assist the various educational institutions in the preparation of Comenius and Grunditvig projects, as well as to provide valuable support for the participation in the different initiatives linked to the Comenius programme.

The Comenius sectoral programme covers the whole range of school levels, from kindergarten up to the end of upper secondary.

Its main  objectives are:

  • to develop knowledge and understanding of cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe
  • to help young people to  acquire the basic skills necessary for life and  for their personal development, employment and active European citizenship
  • to encourage the learning of modern foreign languages
  • to improve pedagogical approaches and  school management

In connection with the activities listed above our Institute is implementing a Comenius project entitled "Lecture interdisciplinary du paysage", in partnership with Bulgaria, Romania and France, in French.

The project lies in its second year of activities and involves 60 secondary school pupils.

(Translation edited by Professor Emanuela Leto)

Latest updates: 13/01/2011

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